October 18, 2024

Resetting Our Future: Empowering Our Youth (Day 2)

Resetting Our Future: Empowering Our Youth (Day 2)
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Edo Youth Colloquium: Boot Camp

We woke up to a Nigerian factor challenge… but then, proffering solutions is one of the reasons we are here. Challenge surmounted and the day began.

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As we ate breakfast, the facilitators and resource persons arrived and they immediately proceeded to the rooms designated for breakout sessions to relax while the plenary rooms were been prepared, checked and rechecked to confirm its readiness to host the facilitators and of course the participants.

You will recall that the objective of the Colloquium is to drive and instill key universal values in young people such that the thoughts and actions of the Edo Youths will be realigned to more positive productive ventures in their chosen career paths.

The event is structured in a way that attendees can listen and learn during plenary sessions as well as give feedback and interact during the breakout sessions.

We began the session with the customary National Anthem. When it was time for the Hon. Commissioner to make his welcome remarks, the Edo Anthem was played…a proud people we are! It was received with a thunderous ovation.

Philip Asaya, one of Nigeria’s most gifted writers and spokenwords poet, recited a most inspirational and motivational poem to put the participants in the mood.

The Keynote speaker was Mr Ayeni Ekundayo, whose story was a lesson in determination, discipline, confidence and competence. A youthful entrepreneur that was easily connected to.

Genius Hub gave a superlative dance drama that conveyed a very strong and powerful message of self-development, peer influence and resolution to contribute one’s quota to societal development.

With Mrs. Habiba Balogun, who spoken extensively and exhaustively on Emotional Intelligence and Social contract, it was a different kettle of fish as she introduced plenary to the BASH game and then a spontaneous eruption into a “Buga” dance round. After all, they say all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.

Lunch of course was a treat! Do you still want to see our three day menu?

After Lunch, it was the turn of the cool, calm and collected Mrs Uwa Osa Oboh. Her topic was Principled-Centered Leadership. Mrs Oboh is the Head, Corporate Development at Capital Alliance Nigeria and the founder of the Bloom Initiative for Youth Empowerment (Bloomfey). She also Chaired and Coordinated the committee that put the Edo Youth Colloquium together. We are grateful for her support and time.

By the time Mrs Ifejola Adeyemi talked to us about Personal Vision, Leadership and Organising for Success, we had all forgotten how to fail!

I played a little Ayoò, got thrashed in table tennis before retiring to my quarters after a plateful of Ukodo with goat meat. Oops.

Tomorrow is the last full day.

This is a camp like no other!

Chris Osa Nehikhare
Hon Commissioner Youth&Humanitarian Affairs.

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