October 18, 2024

Drunk Driver Rams Into Petrol Filling Station In Sapele

Drunk Driver Rams Into Petrol Filling Station In Sapele
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By Simeon OSAJIE

A drunk driver rammed into a fuel filling station along New Ogorode Road, Sapele, knocking down the diesel pumping machine stand and destroying the security stand of the nearby Church of God Mission.

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The driver, Mr. Onome Sajere had little scratches on his body, the Venza car was destroyed but no life was lost.

Mr. Sajere thanked God that the damage was not more than the effect, saying that he could not recall what happened prior to the incident.

A pump attendant, Chioma Oyibo, also thanked God that it was not the fuel pumping machine that the car ran into, reckoning that it would have resulted in fire outbreak and loss of lives.

An eye witness that refused to give his name said that the driver was drunk; saying that aroma of alcohol was all over him.

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