October 18, 2024

Former UBTH CMD, Prof Mike Ibadin Is Dead

Former UBTH CMD, Prof Mike Ibadin Is Dead
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By Simeon OSAJIE

The immediate past Chief Medical Director (CMD) of the University of Benin Teaching Hospital (UBTH), Prof. Michael Okoguale Ibadin is Dead.

google.com, pub-3120625432113532, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

Prof. Ibadin died at the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) Centre of the University of Benin Teaching Hospital, Benin City, after a brief illness.

Ibadin who succeeded Prof. Eugene Okpere as Chief Medial Director of UBTH served from 2009 to 2017.

In a press statement issued and signed by Prof. Darlington. E. Obaseki, Chief Medical Director, University of Benin Teaching Hospital. (UBTH) stated that until his death, Prof. Mike Ibadan was a Professor of Paediatrics, a Consultant Pediatric Nephrologist and an astute Health Administrator. He was also a mentor who introduced several persons into Hospital Administration and Management including myself.


“With deep sense of loss and pain in our hearts, we submit to the will of the Almighty God on the passing into the celestial realm of our former Chief Medical Director, Prof. M.O. Ibadin after a brief illness.

“Until his death, he was a Professor of Paediatrics, a Consultant Pediatric Nephrologist and an astute Health Administrator. He was also a mentor who  introduced several persons into Hospital Administration and Management including myself.

“This is indeed a big loss not only to his family but also the Hospital community and the Medical World

“We commiserate with his immediate family at this time and pray that God himself will console them and grant them the fortitude to bear this irreplaceable loss.”

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