October 18, 2024

Nigerians Urged To Embrace Peace, Love, Unity

Nigerians Urged To Embrace Peace, Love, Unity
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Nigerians have been called upon to imbibe the spirit of oneness, love, unity and peaceful coexistence irrespective of ethnic, religious and political beliefs so as to reposition the country for it to restore its pride as the giant of Africa.

Sir Patrick Ahonkhai Giwa made the call while felicitating with Nigerians on the 61st Independence Anniversary celebration.

He pointed out that for the country to restore her pride of place in the global world, the younger generation must imbibe that spirit of hardwork and put the nation first irrespective of the problem, so that the labour of our heroes past should not be in vain.

Sir Giwa also used the occasion to call on the good people of Owan West and East both home and in Diaspora to see themselves as one which will bring about the growth and development of the area.

While describing the youths as the hub of any nation, he urged them to be honest, dedicated in all human endeavours and eschew nepotism in other to keep the country as one for the mutual benefit of all.

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