October 18, 2024

Mallam Iredia Osakue: Amb Dion, The Rising Star Whom Honour Is Due

Mallam Iredia Osakue: Amb Dion, The Rising Star Whom Honour Is Due
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There is the adage which says “Prophets are not honoured in their own town.” However, this line of thinking, in my own perspective has to be broken or set aside, because it is not only awful, but at the same time ridiculous. Those who glorify obsolete notions such as the one under review should be advised on the values of recognizing good work and not the other way.

It is common, when people, states or nations fail to dispense truth and fairness that they harbor this abominable notion to a selfish end.

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Nowadays, the level of poverty and suffering is high and alarming, therefore, individuals who are willing and ready to help alleviate this cankerworm, should at every opportunity appreciated – so that they can continue to do more.

Ambassador Dr. Chief Osarodion Osagie’s case is a typical one that requires some attention and perhaps helps to put a stop to this unholy idea of not creating the enabling environment for people to attain their God-given potentials.

Excelling youths who are ought to be appreciated are instead hunted with “PULL HIM DOWN” syndrome, which has a reversed meaning to the known Ph.D.

This gentle man with a humble background and beginning has been in the social and political scene for quite a while, especially in Edo State. It is no news that he has done greatly in the area of philanthropy, social and business investments. His benevolence as the founder of a fast growing NGO known as God Sent Foundation has no limit – and those who have benefited from his generosity have different interesting stories to tell about him.

Irrespective of his goodwill and positive intentions, there are still some elements out there in the society, who do not want him to raise his head above the waters – but would prefer him to drown, apparently to silence his magnanimous contribution to the society. However, God who sees the heart of man never sleeps!

In addition, there is solace in the proverbial golden fish, which they say, has no hiding place: In far away America, Double Chief Cado, as his teeming fans and friends fondly call him, was honoured with a Doctorate Degree in one of the prestigious Universities in the United States of America for his service to humanity.

The excitement from men and women in and outside Nigeria hitherto speaks volume of his unflinching contribution and willingness to do what is fair and proper as he strives to give his best in the restoration of hope in the life of those who cannot on their own support their living.

Interestingly, the honour done him was not merely because of his benevolence, but, also because of his managerial skills – no wonder he has been thriving in business amongst his contemporaries both in Nigeria and abroad. His desire to put smile on the faces of the needy is innate and at the same time nurtured over the years.

As a recipient of the highest academic honour, Dr. Osarodion Osagie, deserves yet another feather to his cap in his home land, if not for anything, but for his unparallel support for the well-being of many.

Nevertheless, there is no denying the fact that the chieftaincy titles bestowed on him is not appreciated and well deserved, but there is need to constantly remind ourselves of his immense value and at the same time give” kudos to Cado”, so that those in dire need of a soft place to land can benefit from his benevolence.

As a reminder, Dion Osagie is a Chief, Ambassador and a Doctor. So, let us start from here.

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