October 18, 2024

The Man Owan Needs Urgently Is Patrick Ahonkhai Giwa. The Ineffable Helmsman

The Man Owan Needs Urgently Is Patrick Ahonkhai Giwa. The Ineffable Helmsman
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Almost and always in the life of a people are events which maybe considered palatable or bizarre, depending on the historical antecedents of the people or based on their understanding of what a noble society should represent or made up of.

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Owan people must know that its a natural phenomenon to send their best brains and braws in trying moments of their life history as it is today, and recalled that in athletics, where medals are involved it will be an effort in futility and a gravely misadventure if we repeat the same mistake and expect a positive result. They must also come to the realization that when a farmer goes hunting, his family becomes expectant and anything short of that expectation is a huge disappointment.

The cliche that says to whom much is given, much is expected has eluded us as a constituency and the resultant effect of this obvious abeyance which our people have been kept, has prompted them into ultimate search for the one that will meet their genuine yearnings. We have dastardly fallen short of the level and developmental height we are supposed to have attained, a very inglorious one to say. President Olusegun Obasanjo is quoted to affirm that his first military training is never to reenforce failure.

Consequent upon this unsavory representation and unproductive grandstanding with infertile eloquence, there is urgent need to act – we go need to do sumty, so dat sumty no go do us pass like dis.

However, unprogressive and draconic underdevelopment when compared to other parts of the state, vis-a-vis the social amenities we currently have scantily or that we do not have at all, Owan Concerned Citizens having for so long engaged in search for a unique and selfless breed, found an ineffable helmsman in the person of Patrick Ahonkhai Giwa. A man that has conquered greed, who is currently doing what was unthinkable.

Giwa’s humanitarian service delivery is legendary as it has come to the admiration of all and sundry.He has made the era of blackout a thing of the past, having chested and fought underdevelopment(both human and infrastructural) to a stand still in some parts of Owan land. This he has done sufficiently as a civil servant. If a man sends himself on an errand that benefits his people without being sent, will he not deliver better when it becomes his official assignment? If a son dances well in the public,his parents become proud to kiss him in his forehead and thereafter cuddle him like a newly wedded couple.

Owan is indeed proud and well pleased with their dear son PAG, as he has paid his dues surplus to requirement haven answered the collective call of Owanites under the unifying umbrella, (Owan Concerned Citizens Forum)to represent them at the National Assembly, Abuja Nigeria. We are calling on stakeholders and all puritanists who are fed-up with the underdevelopment currently ravaging and bedeviling the nook and crannies of our respective communities, to show absolute solidarities in whatever means and capacity, towards a man we know has given so much to his father land.

Patrick Ahonkhai Giwa can not be an alien in a house he once lived as a clerk. He knows the rudiments of parliamentary operations as he is well conversant with the terrain. He knows the suitable nomenclature of different ministries and parastatals. He has the connections and the negotiating skills to bring dividends of democracy back to his constituency.

Let’s give this a go, because this goal getter and pace setter will maximally deliver.

On behalf of Owan Concerned Citizens

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