October 18, 2024

Shaibu Commiserate With Festus Alenkhe Over Demise Of Mother

Shaibu Commiserate With Festus Alenkhe Over Demise Of Mother
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…Says Mama lived a Pious, fulfilled life

By Simeon OSAJIE

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Edo State Deputy Governor, Comrade Philip Shaibu, has condoled Comrade Festus Alenkhe, Chairman, Nigeria Union of Journalists, (NUJ), Edo State Council, over the passing of his mother, Madam Rose Akuogbe Alenkhe, at the age of 76 years.

In a condolence message personally signed by the Deputy Governor, he stated: “It is with a deep sense of loss that I received the news of the passing of your beloved mother, Madam Rose Akuogbe Alenkhe at the age of 76 years.

“Permit me to say that her demise is not only a huge loss to you as a worthy son but also to the good people of our dear Edo State and the NUJ family in particular”.

According to the Deputy Governor, “I have it on good authority that ‘Nene’ was a strict disciplinarian and exemplary family woman whose uncommon love and tenderness for all was infectious, regardless of the tribe and religion.

“Her unwavering commitment to the service of her Creator, community development and humanity at large can best be described as inspirational.

“No doubt, she lived a pious and fulfilled life, having you as a son as an accomplished professional Journalist and Head of one of the most vibrant councils in Nigeria”.

Shaibu expressed his commiseration to the Alenkhe family of Edo State, saying “let me convey my heartfelt condolences to you and through you to the entire family, friends and the journalism family for the painful exit of your Matriarch.

“May her gentle soul rest peacefully in the bosom of God Almighty

“Please, accept my condolences,” Shaibu added.

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