October 18, 2024

2023 Polls: NAS Sensitizes Benin Residents

2023 Polls: NAS Sensitizes Benin Residents
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By Simeon OSAJIE

Ahead of the 2023 general elections, the National Association of Seadogs (NAS), aka. Pyrates Confraternity, Benbow Deck, weekend organised a sensitization programme for residents of Benin City.

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Members of NAS, in their large number were at Dumez Road junction, of Sapele Road axis of Benin City, sensitizing residents and other passersby, including market women on the need not to sell their votes, while distributing flyers.

Vice President of the association, Alhaji Braimoh Emozozo, said that the programme is aimed at sensitizing the electorate on the need to vote wisely.

According to him, the exercise has become a ritual for the association as a prelude to elections in the state. It is the association’s way of promoting good governance in the society.

“Vote for who you think that can deliver the common basic amenities to the Nigerian people because we are determined to have a new Nigeria. Our duty as NAS is to enlighten the public and to make them move with the present development and follow up with the new trend on how it should be and how we can guide you to make Nigeria better; that is why we are here now,” he posited.

The Project Manager, Ibrahim Oven said that the exercise is also aimed at encouraging the electorate on the rightful conduct during the elections.

He urged them to vote wisely for the candidates that they think and feel would best create the enabling atmosphere for the dividends of democracy to thrive.

“What we have come out to do today is our vote counts. This is usually what we do when an election is near and to educate and inform the people there on voter education.

“On the need to vote? Why they should vote? To mobilize around; to know how to vote on the particular day that election would hold.

“We have be doing it from stage to stage; we did the pre – knowing how many people have collect their voter cards and their PVCs so that they can vote. We have been moving from one centre to different centres to ensure we know the problems that people are facing in trying to collect their PVCs.

“And to also  know how to overcome those challenges. So, we have done all that in terms for mobilization for people to go and pick their PVCs to enable them vote their choice candidates.

“We, as a body are apolitical; we don’t actually preach political parties; all we preach is that people should be able to make up their minds on the need to vote so that the change they want starts with them.”

Other NAS member who spoke during the sensitization process are Pastor Ojemekele Inehita who said that NAS is a non-politically bias organisation.

Pastor Inehita explained that ,”what we are trying to do is to make sure people come out to vote for their prefer candidates and vote wisely.”

He appealed to the market women and traders to ensure they talk to their brothers, sisters, friends and other relatives to come out enmass to vote on Election Day.

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