October 23, 2024

It’s Incidental Suicide For Any Nigerian Not To Join Nationwide Protest Against Govt Of Tinubu – PRP Party

It’s Incidental Suicide For Any Nigerian Not To Join Nationwide Protest Against Govt Of Tinubu – PRP Party
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The People’s Redemption Party (PDP) – Vanguard (Akida) has declared its support for the nationwide strike proposed by the Nigerian Labour Congress (NLC) to demand a reverse of all anti-poor policies, including the hike in the price of petrol by the President Bola Tinubu-led government.

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In a statement that emanated from the party headquarters on Monday called on Nigerians, both working and non-working classes to come out on Wednesday and join the protest to demand for the reversal of anti-people’s policies of the government.

The party stated that any Nigerian that refuses to join in the protest is attempting suicide by negligence or be complicit in the mercy killings of the innocent unborn, the under-five babies, and the wretched millions across Nigeria.

“A president who can in just two months in office act so recklessly against the living conditions of the majority of his citizens, while being hailed by imperialists for carrying out their prescribed neo-liberal economic agenda, is neither responsive to nor representative of, the interests of his people.

“President Tinubu acted this way without his ministers in office; without a full-blown cabinet; without proper consultation with legitimate representatives of the working class, including small and medium business stakeholders; and other actors representing underclass groups that are directly hit by his harsh economic policies, reducing them all to ruin and grinding poverty.

“To the president, they all do not matter. Those who do are the powerful groups he so generously favoured with billions of Naira in palliatives: furniture for lawmakers, after all, is more precious than food for the abjectly poor.

“The president callously attacked the pocketbooks of low and fixed-income earners, the educational prospects of the youth, the intellectual capacity of the state, and the health and well-being of all social strata below the billionaire class- some of whom gleefully celebrated President Tinubu for his ‘unusual courage’ in decisively dealing with those at the bottom of the national income pyramid: the masses,” the party said.

The party stated that any Nigerian that refuses to join in the protest or stand aside as a passive onlooker when “you are at the receiving end of President Tinubu’s economic hit men is to attempt suicide by negligence or be complicit in the mercy killings of the innocent unborn, the under-five babies, and the wretched millions across Nigeria.

“On August 2nd, 2023 we must, in solidarity with organised labour, march peacefully in the 36 states of the federation and Abuja to sternly sound a note of warning to the president to alter his misguided economic direction in favour of the working masses or face a more vigorous struggle down the road that will demand the fall of his neocolonial regime.”

The party lambasted those who commend subsidy removal, querying whether those governing the country apply an internationally accepted standard of governance in ruling the country.

“As many Nigerians have rightly observed, those who want us to pay world market price for petrol, school fees, medical fees, energy, transport, and water rates, do not themselves govern us using global standards of good governance that include being free from grand corruption, respecting voice and accountability, and treating improvement in the quality of citizens life as a strategic matter of national priority as envisaged in chapter two of the 1999 constitution of the federal republic of Nigeria (as amended). To President Tinubu the opposite seems preferred, not only by lip service but by naked deeds.

“We call on our teeming supporters and the mass of the people to join the August 2nd, 2023 protest nationwide to register our collective demands for the federal government to immediately reverse its astronomical petrol pump price; its exorbitant pricing of (higher) education; and the general thrust of its unworkable neoliberal economic agenda.”

The party noted that those who make peaceful change impossible will have to live with the consequences of their misplaced arrogance and hubris.

The party, however, warned President Tinubu not to underestimate the resolve of the Nigerian people to outlive his economic regime, insisting that revolutions are earthquakes.

PRP however, demanded that government should “bring down the price of petrol to within affordable limits of minimum wage earners; keep the cost of power supply within affordable limits of the low-income earners; and treat education at all levels as human rights and not as a commercial venture.”

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