March 4, 2025

Hoodlum Rob ‘Octogenarian’ Vulcanizer Of Pumping Machine In Benin

Hoodlum Rob ‘Octogenarian’ Vulcanizer Of Pumping Machine In Benin
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By Simeon OSAJIE

An Octogenarian and Vulcanizer, Pa. Cyprian Nwanekezie, who operates at No. 256, Ugbowo-Lagos road, beside Ecobank near Edegbe Transport Line in Benin City Edo State has cried for help following the day light robbery of his Vulcanizing machine by a yet to be identified criminal., pub-3120625432113532, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

Lamenting the daylight robbery of his pumping machine and only source of livelihood to The9jaTREND, Pa. Cyprian Nwanekezie said he can no longer fend for himself and had become jobless owing to sad incident.

He appealed to the general public to help him recover his work tool as he depended on it since over 40 years when he started the vocation.

Pa. Cyprian who hail from Orsu Local Government Area of Imo State told The9jaTREND that he had been in the business for over four decades, having completed his apprenticeship in Imo state before relocating to Edo state in search of greener pasture in 1980.

He said all his life depended on the skilled job he does by the road side and since having lost the machine to the criminal, he has constantly fallen sick and helpless as he can no longer do his work to earn a living.

Pa. Cyprian Nwanekezie,m the Vulcanizer

Pa. Cyprian appealed to government and well-meaning Nigerians to have compassion on him by giving him support to acquire a new Vulcanizing pumping machine, saying his life will be shortened without having a job or the machine to keep body and soul going.

Narrating his ordeal,  a distraught Pa. Cyprian said he was at his workplace, when a young man dressed  on black jean and a black T-Shirt approached him for his service. While he made effort to commence the pumping job, the young man asked him not to worry due to his age, that he could assist him by helping to carry his vulcanizing pumping machine to a few metres away from where his vehicle broke down as a result of a flat tyre.

“I actually accepted and allowed him to carry the machine to near Adolor College Road to do the pimping since he was matured and responsible to be my own son. I never suspected any foul play.  But, after he took away the machine pretending to want to help me to fix the tyre of his vehicle on Sunday, I didn’t see him again to return my pumping machine.  I have not being feeling well since the stealing of the machine by the criminal.  It’s been over five days now. I can’t eat, sleep or think well. I have been sick and taking medicine because of the theft of my work tool.

“I’ve been shacking all over my body. My Medicine i take is not working for me. I need help to buy another machine to stay alive. This is the only work I learnt and know how to do from my youth. It is my only means of income and now my livelihood is gone.”

For any financial assistance for distraught Pa. Cyprian Nwanekezie, Kindly send to: EBOYEM NWAYO PATIENCE, KEYSTONE BANK ACCOUNT NUMBER: 6002395630

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