October 18, 2024

Crisis In Nigerian Port Authority As M.D., Bello-Koko Secretly Employs Over 400 Workers

Crisis In Nigerian Port Authority As M.D., Bello-Koko Secretly Employs Over 400 Workers
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Nigerian Ports Authority (NPA) is embroiled in a fresh crisis over the secret recruitment of over 400 new employees without recourse to extant guidelines such as advertisement in national dailies to enable all interested Nigerians apply.

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According to a senior staff of the authority on condition of anonymity for fear of victimisation revealed that the recruitment was done “hush hush” by the Managing Director, Mohammed Bello-Koko in contravention of the due process for conducting recruitments into Ministries, Departments and Agencies (MDAs) as established by the Federal Government.

The staff said an induction ceremony was also held “secretly” for the new employees at the Administrative Staff College of Nigeria (ASCON) from January 25 to February 1, 2023.

Recently, the Federal Character Commission (FCC) warned MDAs against flouting laid down guidelines for recruitment into government establishments.

Part of the guidelines stipulate that all vacancies in MDAs shall be advertised in at least two newspapers circulating nationally, giving prospective candidates a minimum of six weeks within which to apply.

There have also been questions about the placement of the new NPA employees on various grade levels, which was said to run foul of laid down procedures.

Source: shipsandports.com.ng

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