October 18, 2024

Impact Knowledge Gained During Capacity Building Workshop On Students – VC Urges Staff

Impact Knowledge Gained During Capacity Building Workshop On Students – VC Urges Staff
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By Simeon OSAJIE

The Vice Chancellor of Edo State University Uzairue, Prof. Emmanuel Aluyor have advised the academic staff to impact the students the knowledge gained during the three days regular capacity building workshop organized for the academic and technologist staff of the university.

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The Vice Chancellor who was represented by the Deputy Vice Chancellor (Admim), Prof. Obioma Anthony Nwaopara gave the advice at the end of the workshop on Staff Development Programme on Research Proposal Writing, Grants Management and Academic Leadership.

He said they are specifically expected to implement all the outcome of the presentations as they continue to work for the university, also to improve on their capacity more efficiently and allow the university and students to get more benefits from whatever knowledge they acquired during the workshop.

He further stated that the workshop is an annual programme of the university, adding that they are satisfied with the aims and objectives of this year’s workshop achieved.

He urged the participants to ensure that the essence of the workshop which is moving forward is applied in all they do and to have an effective way of relating what they know before and what they have learnt during the workshop.

In their separate presentations, Prof. Kevin Shegun Otoikhian, from the department of chemical engineering whose paper title Use and Maintenance of the university facilities said a well- administered preventative maintenance program can help to reduce accidents, save lives, minimized costly breakdown and unplanned shutdowns equipment.

Prof. Otoikhian advised the people to always switch off all electrical appliances at the end of the day work saying it is also wrong to open doors and windows while the air conditions are on.

He said precautionary maintenance should be apply as well as strange noise from moving mechanical equipment should always be checking.

Prof. Mrs. M. Maliki of the department of Chemistry spoke on Application Information Hub, External Grant Resources Toolkits Goals into Action, said the reason for external research grants is to help diversify income sources as well as to improve economic and social growth.

She equally stated that the funds can also help to offset the declining percentage of federal government grants; help to address societal challenges and need while it also improve international visibility, global ranking and collaboration.

In conclusion, she said effective external research grants strategy is a pre-requisite for winning external research grants as a compiled external research grants strategy is the information hub also known as research grants toolkits and sometimes regarded as the ‘holy books’.

On her part, Dr. Adejoke Elizabeth Memudu, from the department of Anatomy spoke on the Effective Project Grant Management and Budgeting (Post-Award) while Dr. Simon Ejokema Imoisi delivered his paper title: Strategies for Global Ranking and Competitiveness-Strategies Thinking-Data-Driven Principles and Strategies for Global Ranking and Competitiveness Research Ethnics and Integrity Practices.

Among others speakers are the university’s Bursar, Dr. Osifo Osagie Uwagboe who spoke on the Financial Management and Integrity in Academic leaderships; Dr Mrs Mariam Agbugui, spoke on Resources Ultilization while Dr Daniel Aliu’s presentation was on strategies For Global Ranking and Competitiveness: Ranking And Visibility.

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