July 27, 2024

NIN: FG Distributes Computer Systems To Boost Enrollment Nationwide

NIN: FG Distributes Computer Systems To Boost Enrollment Nationwide
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The federal government, through the National Identity Management Commission (NIMC), has announced the distribution of more computer systems to boost enrollment of National Identification Number (NIN).

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The Head of Corporate Communications, (NIMC), Kayode Adegoke in a statement said the NIMC DG/CEO Abisoye Odusote-Coker approved the distribution of additional enrolment systems to all the states.

She noted that the nationwide distribution system is part of the steps to ease NIN enrollment challenges and increase operational capacity.

Odusote-Coker emphasized that her administration will not condone extortion of applicants and has since directed that any staff found wanting will be dealt with in line with the provisions of the constitution and extant Public Service Rules.

The statement reads: “The provision of additional enrolment devices underscores the commitment of the DG/CEO to streamline operations and enhance overall effectiveness.

“The systems have since been installed and in use across all the states and have not only resulted in reduced time spent by applicants but have also increased the number of applicants attended to daily.

“Engr Abisoye Coker-Odusote has also sent out monitoring and evaluation teams across various centres nationwide to ensure the smooth running of enrollment and modification exercises.

“The team will also strictly comply with her zero-tolerance stance against extortion and unethical practices.”

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