October 22, 2024

JUST IN: Shaibu Denounces Impeachment As Edo Deputy Governor

JUST IN: Shaibu Denounces Impeachment As Edo Deputy Governor
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…Says attack on democracy we all fought for

By Simeon OSAJIE

google.com, pub-3120625432113532, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

Comrade Philip Shaibu, the impeached Edo State deputy governor has denounced in strongest term his impeachment by the State House of Assembly.

Recall at the  Assembly sitting earlier today at 9.41am voted for the impeachment of the deputy governor by a vote of 18 against one who voted against, among the 20 members present with the speaker expected to give the deciding vote in case of a tie.

Shaibu, according to Justice Stephen Omonuwa (Rtd)-led a seven-man panel, to investigate the allegation of gross misconduct levelled against the deputy governor, submitted that the deputy governor was guilty of disclosure of official secret.

Shaibu’s viral video trending on socio media reads, “This is not just an attack on me as an individual but on the democratic principle we hold and it is a dangerous and a threat to the foundation of our democracy.

“Let it be clear that this impeachment was harsh because of my ambition to contest the Edo State 2024 governorship election under the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP); an ambition that is a legal right to all citizens of the Federal Republic of Nigeria.

“It’s a sorry that in our political landscape and vision is meant with resistance and those in power seize to silence our position through a legendary means.

“I have dedicated my life to serving the good people of Edo State with integrity and honesty. I have worked tirelessly to improve the life of our citizens, have uphold the values of the democracies and justice. And yet in return I am faced with business accusations and a blunted disregard for due process and rule of law.

“The allegation against me are nothing more than a smooth screen to conceal the true motive behind this impeachment.

“It’s a fragrant abuse of power and a betrayal of the trust that the people of Edo have placed in their elected officials.

“We refused to stay inactive while our democratic institutions manipulates and exploit for personal gain.”

Going further, Comrade Shaibu added: “We will fight this injustice with every strength in our disposals for the sake of the people of Edo State and the future of democracy.

“I call upon all well-meaning citizens of Edo State and indeed all Nigerians who believed in the principle of democracy and justice to stand with us in this moment of crisis. We cannot allow tyranny and operation to take roots in our society. We must resist the forces that seek to undermine the mind our freedom and trouble upon our rights to the members of Edo State of Assembly who have chosen to forsake their own out of office. I say this – history will judge you for your betrayal of the people who elected you to represent their interests.

But know this – you do not have the power to silent the voice of justice and truth. A call upon the judiciary and all relevant authorities to intervene and uphold the principles of justice and fairness. Let the truth prevail over lies. Let the rule of law triumph over lawlessness. I am confident that the legal system will vindicate me and expose the sham that has been orchestrated against me.

“I want to reaffirm my commitment to the people of Edo State to the values that bind us together as a collective. I will not be deter or intimidated by those who seek to truncate the survival of our democracy.

“I will continue to fight for the right and freedom of all a delights by extension Nigerians that suffer operation. I will stand firm in my resolve to see justice done.

“As we stand united in the face of tyranny and oppression. I call on our supporters to remain calm and go about our lawful duties as good citizens and through democrats. Together we will overcome these dark chapter in our history and a much stronger and more resolute in pursue of freedom and just society.

“Thank you for the opportunity given to me thus far.

‘Edo bless Edo State and God bless the Federal Republic of Nigeria.

“I remained Comrade Philips Shaibu.”

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