October 22, 2024

Police Declares Man Wanted For Alleged Abduction

Police Declares Man Wanted For Alleged Abduction
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The Police in Benin has declared one Mcpaul Kelvin wanted for the alleged disappearance of his girlfriend identified as Miss Ivie Agbonbhi.

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Father of the girl, Chief Festus Agbonbhi, the  Adolor (Prime Minister) of Ewosa Community in Igueben  Local Government Area of Edo State, alleged in a report to the police that his daughter went missing from home on August 31, 2015 after a minor scuffle between his body guards and one Mcpaul  Kelvin who visited his home on the fateful day.

Chief Agbonbhi claimed he believed strongly that Kelvin was behind the disappearance of his daughter as he has consistently objected to their continuous relationship which might culminate in a marriage he completely disapproves.

“On the 31st of August, which is about a week ago, Kelvin came to my house to see my daughter. I ordered him to leave my premises but he refused, insisting that he came to see his girlfriend, my daughter and not me. I considered his response rude and an affront on my personality. I immediately told my body guards to walk him out. Again, he resisted and there was a minor scuffle between them. Later that night, my daughter left home and had not been seen”, Chief Agbonbhi told the police.

However, a source close to Kelvin’s family told our reporter that the Chief was making a wild accusation against their son which he cannot substantiate.

The family source which did not want his name mentioned in the media for fear of being attacked, disclosed that the Chief had been mad at Kelvin after he discovered that his daughter is carrying a three- month pregnancy for the young man.

The source also said Kelvin went into hiding after the Chief sent his boys to beat him up for being in a relationship with his only daughter.

“There are palpable threats to eliminate Kelvin because of his relationship with the daughter of a rich and powerful man. He reported to the police after he was assaulted by security personnel attached to Chief Agbonbhi, but no arrest was made. The threats on Kelvin’s life were obvious and intense, so he was advised to go into hiding”, the sources added.

Meanwhile efforts to get Chief Agbonbhi’s reaction was not successful as his Personal Assistant said the Chief was not disposed to speaking to the press on the issue.

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