July 27, 2024

Disregard Faceless, Unscrupulous Individuals Whose Intents Is To Swingle Unsuspecting Public – Ogbaloi Urges Supporters

Disregard Faceless, Unscrupulous Individuals Whose Intents Is To Swingle Unsuspecting Public – Ogbaloi Urges Supporters
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…advises Osifo to go manage his business approach including politics

By Simeon OSAJIE

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Chairman of the Edo State chapter of Labour Party (LP), Comrade Kelly Ogbaloi has advised party supporters and members of the public to disregard faceless, unscrupulous individuals who are parading themselves as members of the party with the abuse of Labour Party party logo and colour who intents is to swingle unsuspecting public.

Ogbaloi made the call at the party’s secretariat in Benin City, Edo State capital during a press conference to draw the attention of party supporters and the Edo people.

According to Ogbaloi, “Following the upsurge of political criminality exhibited by some faceless and unscrupulous elements, impersonating the leadership of Labour Party, party logo and colour, done to swindle the unsuspecting public, the state executive council meeting was called to offer deliberation and make decision on this development and other matters especially in the recent issues where some clowns, largely suspected to be decent of Edo North Extraction conducted themselves illegally in Abuja.

“Accordingly, State Exco resolved that the State Executive Council of Labour Party (LP) reaffirms its confidence in the National leadership of our Party led by Comrade Barr. Julius Abure.

“That the Edo State Executive Council and members dissociates itself from the purported NEC held in Bauchi by the renegades, Apapa Lamidi and his gang. Exco further states that all decisions reached there are illegal, total nullity and of no effects whatsoever. Therefore, it should be disregarded by all.

“Exco observed that huge signpost have been erected in some locations in the Benin metropolis with the inscription ‘All known APC and PDP members are not welcome in Labour Party’ and wish to say that both inscription and the signboard should be disregarded by the public as they are no properties of Labour Party. Those behind these acts of impersonation, the abuse of the Party Logo and Colour are faceless and unscrupulous individuals whose intents is to swindle the unsuspecting public.

“To this extent, the law enforcement agencies have been reported to with a view to investigate those behind this lawlessness. Labour Party is a political party open to all without restriction whatsoever. It should be categorical to all that Labour Party is an embodiment of integrity itself and therefore, does not have any segment of it referred to as “Labour Party Integrity Movement”. We totally dissociate from this kind of movement and asked the public to be weary of it.

“Edo State Labour Party immensely thank support group who identified with Labour Party before, during and after the Presidential, National and State House of Assembly elections. We urge them therefore, to continue with their resolve of enthroning a sensitive government in Nigeria.

“Support group members who are yet to be full members of Labour Party by obtaining their membership card, should please do so. We however admonished support groups issuing statements on behalf of Labour Party without clearance from the leadership, should stop forthwith.

“The State exco took notice of the terse publication by Dr. Isaiah Osifo where he spoke in derogation of the humble, intelligent and compassionate National Chairman of Labour Party, Comrade Barr. Julius Abure and condemn it entirely. It sounds silly to the headship of Labour Party in Edo State. Exco found it unthinkable that an academia of a supposed high repute in the structure of Dr. Isaiah Osifo, could create himself meddlesome in matters that are internal to a political party for want of what to eat.

“Dr. Isaiah Osifo, now seemingly extinguished politically notwithstanding, should have refrained from misleading himself to the political dustbin. When the records were checked, it was concrete that Dr. Isaiah Osifo is still a member of PDP. His concerns therefore in what happens in the internal affairs of Labour Party is what disturbs our membership. In his confusion, he failed to manage his business approach to everything he does including politics and did not remember he’s still a member of PDP especially when he unreasonably make case for the APC. No doubt therefore that there has always been criminal exchanges between the APC and the PDP, hence the current condition of the Nigerian state today.

“While, exco recommends Dr. Isaiah Osifo to his political party (PDP) to be punish for anti-party activities, we advise him to stop at the point he is to avoid dire consequences that could be precipitated by his inordinate desires to reap from where he did not sow.

“Exco reviewed numerous petitions on several cases of threat to life, impersonations of the leadership of Labour Party and asked the law enforcement agencies to immediately complete investigation on them and bring those found culpable in their investigation to face the law. This is moreso when it came to the understanding of Labour Party leadership that some persons are masquerading around Edo State metropolis, haven planned from reasonable sources of information that within the immediate periods they would invade the Labour Party state office, overrun it, hacked down some members of the exco and forcefully ejects us with a view to taking over the state office. This is sufficiently frightening and we then ask again as usual, that the law enforcement agencies, should take notices and act as the case is very ominous.”

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