October 25, 2024

An Alleged Edo Land Grabber, Impostor, Murderer Make Move To Escape Justice

An Alleged Edo Land Grabber, Impostor, Murderer Make Move To Escape Justice
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An Alleged Edo man who has once been punished for various degree crimes by his community monarch is making moves to escape from Edo State after losing a battle he started several years ago.

The  said  man who allegedly punished innocent and passive citizens in Edo State by grabbing their landed properties, afflicting bodily harm on  whoever stands on his way, has however fallout of favour in the community which he has been laying claim to.

Sources who pleaded anonymity revealed that after several years of the said man’s nefarious activities in community, the actual owners of Oke-Oroma, a suburban area in Edo State, the self-acclaimed terrorist has enrolled for a visa in order for him to escape to Europe to evade justice.

In   a video released by the said man who claimed to be from Amagba with boundary with Obagie N’Evbuosa, Ugbêkpen and Oke-Ōrōma, said   he has always sued for peace within those communities mentioned, whereas he was involved in land grabbing within those axis, causing community chaos and allegedly involved in the killing of   young promising men, also elderly people around those areas mention, especially at the Oke-Ōrōma community.

 It was also recently alleged that he took over half of the Oke-Ōrōma community where he and his co traveler in crime installed two giant signposts with the inscription “WELCOME TO AMAGBA 2”.

With the various allegations there  is a call on the entire consulates in Nigeria not to grant him traveling visa as his stock in trade is to  see others suffering and dying amidst oppression, intimidation and poverty.

We are also appealing to the Nigeria Police and other security agencies to arrest and prosecute this land grabber who is doing everything possible within his reach to move  out of  note only Edo State but the country as well.

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