October 18, 2024

Cleric Admonishes Parents On Good Moral Upbringing Of Children To Checkmate Societal Ills

Cleric Admonishes Parents On Good Moral Upbringing Of Children To Checkmate Societal Ills
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By The9jaTREND

Wife of the General Overseer and Founder of God’s Greater Grace General Assembly, Pastor Mrs. Amen Akenbor, has charged Nigerian parents to instill the values of discipline and integrity on their wards in order to checkmating societal ills and restore dignity back to the country.

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She disclosed this while speaking on the theme, “Saved to Save” as part of the church activities to mark the 2022 Women Convention.

Akenbor said the ills in the society today have gone from bad to worse because the home (parents) which is the mini society has failed in its civic responsibility of instilling moral values in their children.

“Our value system has changed. Before when you see a child coming up and the parents noticed that the child is doing something wrong, the parents, they are the first contact person that they will draw the attention to that what the child is doing is wrong.

“They will correct the child immediately but nowadays, parents even encourage their children to do something wrong.

“From the book that we read in Ezekiel, it warned us. It said, our children are involved in those wrong things like stealing, fornication, kidnapping.

“It said on the last day, He will demand the blood of those children from our hands.

“So, both our biological children and our spiritual children, we as parents, mothers especially, we own that responsibility to correct our children because if we are able to balance it at home, the whole society will be balanced, there will not be problem in the society but if we miss it at home, there will be problem”, she said.

She admonished parents to instill moral values that will stand the test of time in their children for them not to bring reproach to them (parents) in the long run.

“As a godly parent, they should inculcate that value in our children, that values of integrity, the fear of God, we should be able to inculcate it in our children”, she said.

Also speaking, founder of the church, Rev. Sunny Akenbor, said the parents often bear the the pains of their children’s whenever they go wrong and that for such not to happen, they should start instilling moral values in their children while they are still very much young nothing that when they are old, they will not depart from them.

“We should question the sources of children’s wealth because many of our children have gone into the act of ritual killings, kidnapping and into fraud.

“When anything happens to our children, it affects we the parents.

“We should ask them, somebody that is not working, he is using expensive car, having a mansion, what is the source of the money? It calls for a man to question his son or daughter, how come about it”, he said.

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