October 23, 2024

Community Begs Oba To Confirm Pa Omoragbon Uwuigbe As Odionwere

Community Begs Oba To Confirm Pa Omoragbon Uwuigbe As Odionwere
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By Simeon OSAJIE

Elders and youths of Iguoshodin – Nebudin in Ovia North-East local government area of Edo State have pleaded with His Royal Majesty, Omo N’Oba N’Edo, Uku Akpolokpolor, Oba Ewuare II, Oba of Benin Kingdom to confirm Pa Omoragbon Uwuigbe as the Odionwere of the Community.

According to the Petition address to the Benin Monarch through the palace spokesperson, signed by Pa. Omorogbe Uwuigbe (Ozukpogieva) and Mr. William Edokpolor, Secretary. Iguoshodin – Nebudin Council of Elders dated 16th February, 2022, the community pleaded with His Royal Majesty to confirm Pa Omoragbon Uwuigbe as Odionwere of Iguoshodin Nebudin which they said is the easiest way to address the myriad of problems and land grabbing at the community.”

The petition reads, “We are constrained, Your Royal Majesty, to write you this petition to protest the criminal and unauthorized sale and alienation of the parcels of land allocated to our royal father of blessed memory Oba Akenzua with the land documents handed over to Oba Erediauwa and the one set aside for your Royal Majesty by the Elders and Chief Festus Osunde, the former Odionwere of Iguoshodin – Nebudin.

“During the time of Chief Festus Osunde (as the Odionwere), the Community allocated a parcel of land measuring 500ft x 500ft to Oba Erediauwa. The title document was sent to His Majesty by Chief Osunde.

“The said Chief Osunde also set aside a parcel measuring 500ft x 1000ft to be given to Your Majesty. He discussed it with Elders in-council and the parcel was duly demarcated. Unfortunately, the title document of this could not be delivered before Chief Osunde joined his ancestors. So, it was decided that the present Ozukpogieva (Pa Omoragbon Uwuigbe) would present the document to Your Majesty as soon as he is inaugurated as the Odionwere of Iguoshodin – Nebudin.

“Your Majesty, Messrs James Agbonile, John Igbinedion, Henry Osawaru, Sunday Osahon Igbinosun And Chief Aifesehi (a member of the Iwebo Palace Society) in collusion with the then Odionwere Omuada, Mr. Roland Ekhoe, partitioned and ceded part of the Oba Akenzua parcel of land to Iguadolor and started selling the remainder to unsuspecting buyers without authority from the Oba’s Palace. The one earmarked for Your Majesty is similarly being sold by these land grabbers.. A copy of the Re-Identification letter dated 25th April 2017 is attached herewith for guidance.”

Going further, the petitioners added, “We also wish to bring to the knowledge of Your Majesty that the Burrow pit which the community leased to Tempace for 10 years during the reign of Chief Osunde is now being operated under a different name by the same persons mentioned above simply because the lessee is dead. They are still operating the borrow pit that was sealed up by His Royal Majesty.

“Finally, your majesty, we also wish to draw you kind attention to the illegal sacking of Isoko and other stranger from our camp inside the bush by Mr. Agbonile and cohorts. The camp is where our fathers rested and spent nights and days in course of their farming and hunting. We are told that the criminal elements have now sacked the occupants of the camp and sold the farmland without our consent and authority.

“Your Majesty, we believe that all these land grabbing and criminal activities and sanity would be restored at Iguoshodin – Nebudin once a substantive Odionwere is installed. Pa Omoragbon Uwuigbe has been the Ozukpogieva of our community since the time and reign of Chief Festus Osunde. It is about 3 years now since Chief Osunde died without a substantive Odionwere in our community.

“We therefore plead with Your Royal Majesty to confirm Pa Omoragbon Uwuigbe for us. That is the easiest way to address the myriad of problems and land grabbing at Iguoshodin – Nebudin.”

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