October 18, 2024

Benin Solidarity Movement Eulogies CP Abutu Yaro’s Achievements In Edo

Benin Solidarity Movement Eulogies CP Abutu Yaro’s Achievements In Edo
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The Benin Solidarity Movement, ( BSM), a non-governmental, apolitical and socio cultural group has eulogized the Edo State Commissioner of Police, CP Abutu Yaro on his record of achievements since he resumed office in the state.

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CP Abutu Yaro resumed office as Edo State Commissioner of Police in April, 2022 as the 43rd CP in the history of the command.

In a message signed by Ambassador Curtis Eghosa Ugbo and Ms. Esohe Adun, President and Acting General-Secretary respectively, the Movement said that since CP Abutu Yaro assumed office in the state, he has completely reduced the crime rate in the State to the lowest level.

According to the BSM statement, “Since CP Abutu Yaro resumption in Edo State as CP, he has not only changed the narrative of the criminal activities in the state he has sanitized the police force with zero tolerance for corrupt practices within the force. To accentuate his hatred for illegalities within his command he has set up a very strong committee people by distinguished members of the public to checkmate such illegalities.

“As we speak now CP Yaro has clamped down on criminals operating in the state. The new Sheriff has let criminal elements in the state to know that it is a no go area for them.

“Within his short space of time as the boss of the State Police Command, CP Yaro has created tactical units such as Command and Control Intelligence, Rapid Response Squad, CP Monitoring Team and Anti-Kidnapping Annexes within Edo North, Edo Central and Edo South. He also changed posting of DPO’s to more active and effective ones. And he raises serious war against corrupt police officers.”

Going further, the group said, “Kidnapping activities is no longer a thing of business anymore for kidnappers as CP Abutu Yaro doesn’t believe anything like negotiating with kidnappers rather he takes the battle to them. It is in CP Abutu Yaro’s time that people know that police can ambush kidnappers, neutralize them and recover their operational arms. We the people of Edo State should join the police in the war against crime in Edo State.

“Now, in Edo, the residents live a life of peace as the hydra headed issue of crime and criminality has been brought to the lowest minimum courtesy of CP Abutu Yaro’s efficiency.

“So, to shower CP Yaro with accolades is not out of place as it is often said he who does exceptional things deserves praise and commendation.

 “We can go on and on reeling the laudable achievements of CP Yaro Abutu in his few months in Edo State.

 “We also want to encourage you to continue the good work you are known for and pray to our Almighty God to give you the courage to continue with the spirit,” the group said.

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